I didn't really remember most of the matches except some which I drew into many balls/drew 1 ball for 3 draw phase in a row. So not going to give a summary of what happened in each game.
Day 1
Deck used: Agent Angels
Participants: 24
Format: 5 Round Swiss, Top 8 advances to day 2
Round 1: (Totally Forgetten ><)
Round 2: T.G. Agent Angels (???)
Results: OO-
Round 3: T.G. Agent Angels (William Oh)
Results: OO-
Round 4: Agent Angels (Jeremy Chua)
Results: XOX
Round 5: Gravekeepers (Poh Seng)
Results: XOO
Placing: Swiss 3rd Placing
Day 2
Deck used: Agent Angels
Participants: 16
Format: Single Elimination
Round 1: 6 Samurai (Wei Ann)
Results: OO-
Round 2: TourGuide Rabbits (Xiao Mei)
Results: OO- (Trash 你啊! ><) / But I let her up
Placing: Top 8
The build that I used this time round was, to me, build to be more consistent against different deck types as a whole. Will not put up the decklist just yet as I still want to play with it more in future tournaments =D
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