Saturday, June 23, 2012

World's Championship Qualifiers (Singapore)

LONGGGGGGGG time since I updated the blog. Did not have the mood to do so every time because I know i am booking into camp soon. But since I have the free time now, why not post about it ( with life points change for all 3 games of each match since i wrote them down this time; 2nd time in my life I did this =D )

World's Championship Qualifiers (Singapore)
Format: 6rounds swiss, top 10 of swiss advances to top16 (6 from qualifers)
Participants: 87
Deck used: Inzector

Every game's LP will be in this format, ME : OPP. First LP shown will be the LP changes of me and the opp
But before I start, I want to show my new playmat!

Aint the rabbit cute? Right Mango?

Round 1: Inzector (Vishal)
Game 1:
8000 8000
5900 6000
4300 4400
0       4400
Game 2:
8000 8000
7900 2500
7900 0
Game 3:
8000 8000
8000 0
Result: XOO

Round 2: Inzector (Clarence)
Game 1:
8000 8000
8000 4900
8000  500
8000     0
Game 2:
8000 8000
5900 6600
4300 6600
2800 6600
0       6600
Game 3:
8000 8000
7500 4900
3750 4900
3250 4900
3250     0
Result: OXO

Round 3: Hanzo Hiero (Hong Rui)
Game 1:
8000 8000
4000 4900
4000 0
Game 2:
8000 8000
7000 7700
4300 7700
3300 7700
1600 7700
    0   7700
Game 3:
8000 8000
6200 5600
3500 5600
3400 5600
Time out died =(
Result: OXX

Round 4: Hiero (Baha)
Game 1:
8000 8000
6900 5900
4200 5900
3200 5900
3200 0
Game 2:
8000 8000
7200 6700
7200 0
Result: OO-

Round 5: Inzector (Mog)
Game 1:
8000 8000
7200 6000
6700 5200
6200 5200
4100 5200
4100 0
Game 2:
8000 8000
4900 5400
2300 5400
    0   5400
Game 3:
8000 8000
6000 7500
6000 5100
6000 2700
6000  300
6000     0
Result: OXO

Round 6; Inzector (Jeff)
He let me win because he had full win, so in this case we both would get to top 10 of swiss

5wins 1 lost, 4th in swiss; proceeded to top 16

Top 16: Hanzo Hiero (Lauren)
Game 1:
8000 8000
6200 7200
4200 4600
3800 2800
1800 2800
 900  2800
 500  2800
    0   2800
Game 2:
8000 8000
8000 5400
8000 2800
8000     0
Game 3:
8000 8000
8000 6400
8000 4800
8000 3200
8000     0
Result: XOO

Top 8: Infernerties (Keith)
Game 1:
8000 8000
6000 8000
4200 8000
2400 8000
 700  8000
    0   8000
Game 2:
8000 8000
8000 0
Game 3:
8000 8000
7300 7300
7300 4200
7300     0
Result: XOO

Top 4: Hanzo Hiero (xm)
Game 1:
8000 8000
6200 4900
4400 1800
    0   1800
Game 2:
8000 8000
3900  900
    0    900
Result: XX- =(

Bottom 4: Gadget (Poh Seng)
Game 1:
8000 8000
6200 6000
4400 3200
2600 2900
 500  2600
 500  2000
 500    500
 500        0
Game 2:
8000 8000
5500 7900
3500 6300
2600 6300
1200 6300
    0   6300
Game 3:
8000 8000
6200 7000
3100 7000
    0   7000
Result: OXX

Placing: 4th

In conclusion, my 12bucks entry has been covered LOL. On a side note, I crawled up xD


  1. D: Spelled my name wrongly lol
    and thanks for the link to my blog!
    oh yeah during game 3 between you and me do you remember how i inflicted 700 damage to you? I trying to remember =.=
